Excel specifications and limits

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Experts Exchange gives me answers from people who do know a lot about one thing, in a easy to use platform. Is there a formula that will tell me the Cell with the highest number rather than tell me the highest number? I agree to my information being processed by TechTarget and its to contact me via phone, email, or other means regarding information relevant to my professional interests. Merge two rows so that you get more space to work with : Sid A good exercise for the Heart is to bend down and help another up Please do not email me your questions.

In Excel, users can set scrolling area to prevent from scrolling to other rows and columns. If this doesn't give you help, would you mind sharing code for us to reproduce this issue? I wear a lot of hats...

Excel specifications and limits - Register Here or if you are already a member E-mail User Name Password I agree to TechTarget's , , and the transfer of my information to the United States for processing to provide me with relevant information as described in our Privacy Policy. You can get a FREE copy of SQL Server 2008 Express which might fit the bill from this Microsoft page: I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.

Hello Experts, I have a user who needs more rows than Excel is allowing. She is using Excel 2013 32-bit on 32-bit Windows 7 and she can not get more than 65,536 rows from an export from a database. The following article claims that Excel 2013 supports 1,048,576 rows but we can't get it to go beyond 65,536. The export she needs has roughly 77K records. The application we're exporting from is called Phocas and is a BI app client with the backend running on MS SQL 2008. The Phocas client allows one to export reports to Excel. The makers of Phocas say there is no limit to the number of records you can export. Assuming the issue is on the Excel side, anyone have any ideas why we can't see more than 65,536 rows? I wear a lot of hats... I wear a lot of hats - Developer, Database Administrator, Help Desk, etc. Experts Exchange gives me answers from people who do know a lot about one thing, in a easy to use platform. It's more than this solution. Get answers and train to solve all your tech problems - anytime, anywhere. Edge Out The Competition for your dream job with proven skills and certifications. Stand Out as the employee with proven skills. Move Your Career Forward with certification training in the latest technologies.


What has changed is the amount of data you can handle in Powerpivot. Then open the workbook with Excel 2013. The max it can go up to is 409. The max it can go up to is 409. An XML table can only expand from the bottom down of the workbook. I've been reading in several places thatwith more rows than before. Step 4: Select the first row up shared range, press Ctrl+ Shift + Up arrow simultaneously to select all rows up shared range, and then hide them. The size of an Access table is only limited by the maximum size of an Access database: 2 GB. While you can easily use them to display values from source data, you can also display values from other cells.